Time: April, 2018
Construction site: Kyrgyzstan
Equipment: SAP80 Asphalt Mixing Plant
SAP80 asphalt plant is the most sold and popular asphalt plant in worldwide market.And SAP80 asphalt batching plant is really the good option for small and medium-size project.
Features of SAP80 asphalt batching plant:
1.The Output of SAP80 asphalt plant is 80 TPH.
2.The Batch Mixer of SAP80 asphalt plant is 1000 kg.
3.There are four kinds of cold aggregate.
4.The mixing cycle of SAP80 asphalt plant is 45s with the mixer volume is 1000kg.
5.The diesel oil fuel consumption of SAP80 asphalt plant is less than 6.5kg/t finished product.
6.SAP80 asphalt mixing plant can be controlled manually or automatically.
7.The weighing precision of aggregate, mineral and bitumen is ±0.5%.
8.The emission concentration of SAP80 asphalt plant is less than 20mg/Nm3 with bag house dust collection.
9.The finished product temperature of SAP80 asphalt plant is 140-180°C.